Job Search and Postdoc

The problem was, though, that I hadn’t quite killed the academic bug in me. I still wanted to be an academic, just not in a department where even the HoD was too scared to take disciplinary action against a clearly terrible member of staff. So I looked and applied for hundreds, if not thousands, of… Continue reading Job Search and Postdoc

My PhD Story

My PhD experience was an absolute nightmare.  My not-so-super decided to effectively abandon me from the second week of my being in their group.  I was told I was smothering them for asking for fortnightly update meetings.  I held on to the promise that they were looking for a stipend for me – my bench… Continue reading My PhD Story

Categorized as Education

From post-doc to post-Ac

I’ve been mulling over writing about my experience on going from a bright-eyed aspiring academic to learning that the ivory tower that is academia is not all that it is made out to be. Reading about so many people jumping out of the academia train brought me to finally do it.  The academia train moves… Continue reading From post-doc to post-Ac