Insidious Colleagues

We’ve all had them.  Sneaky, conniving, brown nosing, two-faced insidious colleagues. The kind that have the reputation about them that everyone loves, can do no wrong, is employee of the month.  But you don’t see it. And you know why you don’t see it? Because it ISN’T THERE! What is it about that particular personality… Continue reading Insidious Colleagues

Categorized as Work woes

First Post Lustre!

Hello There and Welcome! Thanks for clicking. I’m going to hazard a guess and say that you’ve probably stumbled upon my blog because your search-term involved a theme where you’ve either had enough of someone or something and need a safe haven to either relate or ventilate, or you’re looking for some-random-person-on-the-Internet’s advice. Quora not… Continue reading First Post Lustre!

Categorized as First Post