First Post Lustre!

Hello There and Welcome!

Thanks for clicking.

I’m going to hazard a guess and say that you’ve probably stumbled upon my blog because your search-term involved a theme where you’ve either had enough of someone or something and need a safe haven to either relate or ventilate, or you’re looking for some-random-person-on-the-Internet’s advice.

Quora not giving you the answer you want? I get that. Reddit not quite giving you the reaction you’re looking for? I feel that in my soul.

Those are some of the reasons I’m starting this blog.  Well, that and because I need this as a form of catharsis.  See, I hate my job – or at least the people at my job.  I have stumbled a long way in education, I’m a doctor (not that kind of doctor, I have a PhD) and I’m of a scientific background. Along the way I’ve made some decisions; some great, some not so great.  At least in a professional capacity anyway.  And I would like to share what I’ve done/doing, not for a lessons learned campaign kind of way, but more of a maybe relatable kind of way.

This blog will involve a whole shed of posts from job issues and further education, to personal life choices and more – a bit of a mixed bag, something for everyone.  I’m going to see where this blog goes, no constraints, just seeing how it takes its course, just letting me do.

See you at the next post!

Love & Laissez-faire x


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